List of Zeros To Ones

I will never feel so excited and energised as when I did something for the first time

so I have to extend my borders over and over again to remain challenged and exited.

Now when looking back on those first experiences, it reminds me how far I've come.

  1. When a friend of mine, Dieter, handed me the controls of the Cessna Plane for the first time, somewhere in 2022 or 2023, it's like controlling a motorcycle in 6 dimensions. I felt extremely vulnerable in that small, fragile plane.
  2. The first time sitting in an ice-bath, also somewhere in 2022 or 2023. It's a completely new sensation.
  3. The first time canter on a hourse, it's a sensation going through me, it's like being Maximus driving the horse in Gladiator. (Somewhere in 2022, or 2023).
  4. The first time pitching my product to an audience, it was infused water at Proseed in 2021. I had no idea what to expect but it thought me that even if your idea isn't picked up, people are interested in hearing your story during the drinks afterwards.
  5. White Water Kayaking is one of those sports which puts me in a new challenge every major rapid.
  6. The first time giving a Toastmasters speech.
  7. I was nervous the first time I put an assignment on Upwork, and let someone do the work for me.
  8. The first tweet
  9. The first time launching a product on ProductHunt or launching something on Hacker News
  10. First time doing sales calls in 2020. These calls can create highs and lows beyond imagination. Sales can be addictive.
  11. First time jumping out of plane, in a duo-jump, in 2017 or 2018.
  12. The first time I cycled in Bangkok, I think December 2019. I felt like I was crazy. As often, reality proved me otherwise.
  13. The first time arriving in Thailand everything is new, surprising, ... It's contrasting with how comfortable I feel in Thailand now.

Speaking to People

Speaking to people deserves it's own subsection. I talk about this in my newsletter: There is literally zero downside and massive upside to speaking to people around you.

  1. In 2008, I spoke to someone before the first class of university, he became a great friend for many years afterwards.
  2. Somewhere in 2021 I spoke to a Norwegian guy in the co-working and he became a good friend in Thailand for many years after.
  3. Speaking to a random guy on a diving boat in 2023 inspired me to go diving in the Maldives.