
My braindumps below,

My about here.

Where to Find Me

📰 Newsletter

🐦 Twitter


18 July 2024
We're moving the Netherlands!

23 April 2024

27 Jan 2024


20 Nov 2023
I did a triathlon in Phuket last weekend. Full story here!

16 Oct 2023
I built Air Travel Tech Jobs as well as Where Does The A380 Fly in last 2 months!

5 Oct 2023
I published my list of mini-adventures as I have 10 days on my own soon. I might as well refer to my newsletter #33 - searching for adventure in the same breath.

16 May 2023
I'm making a list of mini-adventures, cheap things with high roi and 3d print ideas but the lists are not ready yet. This is a post to create accountability. Go check out my other lists.

16 May 2023
Newsletter #33 - Searching for Adventure

2 May 2023
After 30 attempts, I think the edition 31 and 32 of my newsletter are actually share-worthy, so I'll start sharing them here as I did in the below two updates.

29 Apr 2023

25 Apr 2023

26 Mar 2023
Hackernews submission failed :(

25 Mar 2023
Yesterday I threw Random Airport on ProductHunt not expecting much. To my surprise it got more than 50 upvotes. Might want to spend some time developing this as a game.

19 Feb 2023
List of couples who run or ran a business together. Last Updated June 16 2023.

30 Jan 2023
Uploaded Part I of my principles.

23 Jan 2023
Here's my new newsletter.
Don't sign up.

17 Jan 2023
I wrote an idea about a Healthy Entrepreneur blog.

4 Jan 2023
Happy New Year!

I wrote a weekly newsletter since August 22 2022.
Twitter is shutting down Revue, the platform on which I built my newsletter.
The 16 issues are available for now in this Google Doc until I migrate them all to this blog.

I haven't posted much lately on this blog, I post more often on Twitter.


4 nov 2022
Newsletter #10: Shipping

28 oct 2022
Newsletter #9: Projects

20 oct 2022

11 oct 2022
Newsletter #7: Trenitalia Scraper

4 oct 2022
Newsletter #6: Launching Same Day Blocker

27 Sep 2022
Newsletter #5: Keystone Habits

20 Sep 2022
Newsletter #4: Braindump

13 Sep 2022
Newsletter #3: If I can dream it

5 Sep 2022
Newsletter #2: Back from Summer Holidays

29 Aug 2022
Newsletter #1: Writing on Mondays

26 Mar 2022
European Startups website ... Read More

17 Mar 2022
Getting Positive Input ... Read More

6 Feb 2022
Building a train in HTML ... Read More

6 Feb 2022
List of Favo Books ... Read More

27 Jan 2022
Are there still "Hell Yeah" companies out there? ... Read More

27 Jan 2022
Why work and life should be not too damn serious!... Read More

11 Jan 2022
How small things can significantly improve the user experience ... Read More

8 Jan 2022
Two solutions to actually get some work done ... Read More


11 Dec 2021
Two ideas to create more efficient cooling... Read More

25 Nov 2021
My next job will be 100% remote... Read More